If you didn’t make it to the 12th Annual Five Guys Celebration over in Driftwood, you missed an over the top gathering of friends, beau coup spirits and fantastic music! The crowds began setting up their pop ups on Friday afternoon, staking their spots for Saturday’s big party. The winds encouraged everyone to just set up the frames – saving the covers for the next day. Cars, jeeps, trucks and golf carts began filling up the streets and yards of anyone who didn’t mind being parked on. The band cranked up and filled the air with music and the dancing began. Washer games ensued, bean bag tosses, all the yard games you could think of, they were there. Don’t miss it next year, it’s always the weekend after the Texas Crab Festival – the weekend after Mother’s Day!
These guys know how to throw a party for sure. Enjoyed the day. And they always “hire” the best Chicken Cookers on the Peninsula – Richard Thompson, Jeff Crawford, BB Young and Mike Potts.
Party was GREAT – cannot wait until next year!!