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Friends of Rollover Pass – Sign the Petition

From Ted Vega
President, Gilchrist Community Association
As many of you know, Galveston County is now threatening to take Rollover Pass for the Texas General Land Offices’ commissioner Jerry Patterson. I have heard from a Galveston Commissioner that they have not received very many comments from people that support keeping Rollover Pass Open. I stated and wholeheartedly believe that there are thousands of people that support Rollover Pass, it is time that you helped us keep the Pass Open.

I am asking each of you to contact these people below and let them know how you feel about eminent domain, and ask them a question concerning why they are trying to take it away from the community. I suggest emails, phone calls, and then written letters, do it as many times as you wish just ask something different. Share this with friends and get them to do the same. The goal is to get a large volume of persons contacting these people. They will then know who we are and that we don’t want them to use Eminent Domain against Rollover Pass. If you need more information, there is plenty on our website

SIGN THE PETITION (click here)

Please be sure to copy me on your emails or leave me a voicemail so that I can document and track your contacts with them for our records. or, 713-545-6846

Thanks, Ted Vega
Pres. Gilchrist Community Association

Mark Henry, Galveston County Judge
722 Moody, Suite 200, Galveston, Texas 77550
409 766-2244

Ryan Dennard, **Galveston County Commissioner Pct 1
2516 Texas Ave, Suite 221, Texas City TX 77590
**Rollover Pass is located in Commissioner Dennard’s Precinct

Kevin O’Brien, Galveston County Commissioner Pct 2
P.O. Box B, Santa Fe, Texas 77510

Stephen Holmes, Galveston County Commissioner Pct 3
9850-A Emmett F. Lowry Expressway Suite A100, Texas City, TX 77591

Ken Clark, Galveston County Commissioner Pct 4
174 Calder Rd, League City, Tx 77575

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4 Responses to “Friends of Rollover Pass – Sign the Petition”

  1. Tc says:

    Where is the petition to vote to get rid of the pass?

  2. james simon says:

    keep it open been fishing here for over 30 years

  3. darlene sanchez says:

    ted thank you so very much for helping it is ashame certain people in our county offices are so against you and giving you so many problems but god is good he knows how everyone loves rollover and appreciates all you have tried to do for us see you soon backoff galveston dont remove something all of us enjoy and want to keep maybe we should all backoff paying taxes see how you like that

  4. Ted says:

    This Petition is very important to all of us on the Peninsula,
    Rollover Pass is truly a state treasure that thousands of people visit each year.
    Our County Judge Mark Henry and Commissioner Dennard are not listening to the voices of the people, Eminent Domain is a very powerful tool that County goverment has, it sometimes has to be use, for example putting in a utility line, or drainage, to use it on Rollover Pass to make a park is a terrible abuse of power against any private propety owner. How would you like it if someone took your property. The Gilchrist Community Association will continue our battle with big govt over this issue and I hope that you will joiin me and everyone else that cares for Rollover Pass.

    I ask each of you to sign the petition, and add a comment, then use the link on the petition page and send it to your facebook friends, it is a matter of clicking each name and they will get the petition and they too can forward it to others.

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