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GBF launches Mobile App for Water Pollution Reporting on Galveston Bay

galbayGalveston Bay Foundation has recently launched the Galveston Bay Action Network (GBAN) mobile web app, a pollution reporting and monitoring tool that can be accessed on mobile devices, computers and tablets. Activities such as chemical spills and dumping of wastes have the potential to pollute our environment and threaten the health of the local people, plants, and animals and, when seen, such events should be reported to the proper authorities. Reporting activities that negatively impact our water quality, whether deliberate or accidental, can help protect Galveston Bay. The web app is available for public use and viewing at

The GBAN mobile web app is designed to act as a bridge between citizens who care for the safety and health of the Bay and the authorities who can help enforce those qualities. Users of the web app are able to select the type of pollution and the exact location where it’s located. It can report across the four counties that touch Galveston Bay (Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Galveston Counties) and is linked to all national, state, and local governmental agencies that are involved with water pollution cleanup and human health monitoring – no researching to find who needs to hear the information you have!

The mobile web app is designed to allow the citizens and visitors of Galveston Bay to truly be the protective eyes on the bay. Immediate reporting from citizens on pollution, whether deliberate or accidental, helps insure fast responses to the pollution issues in the bay. Visit to learn more and use the web app.

This project is funded in part by a Texas Coastal Management Program grant approved by the Texas Land Commissioner pursuant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration award No. NA13NOS4190113 and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Urban Waters Grant Program.

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