This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Gilchrist beach

I would like to know why our beaches do not get cleaned up more from the seaweed. It is horrible and has been horrible. This is the beginning of summer vacation for so many families and they can’t even get down to the water because of all the seaweed.

This should be done at least once a week and I am so disappointed in the manor that this gets done. If we want vacationers here and to spend their money on the penisula, we need to do something about this.

I am a tax payer here and would like to see some results. (Patti Wilcox, 6-4-2012)

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7 Responses to “Gilchrist beach”

  1. Carol Shaw says:

    Seaweed is a good thing for the dunes. It is scraped up often and placed on the dunes. When we pick out our place to park for the day, we just rake it to the side. simly solution.

  2. Tuff E Nuff says:

    Scraping the beach is not good for the sea turtles either….

  3. Tuff E Nuff says:

    Shouldn’t the government have a program in place to clean the seaweed up daily…..? You know, like Medicare or the Post Office. That’s it, postal employees can come out after their route and clean the beach….Next

  4. david says:

    That “horrible” seaweed will hold the sand and actually help replenish the beach. Gilchrist of all places on the peninsula can use all the help it gets. When the county scrapes the beach, the process takes quite a bit of sand with it.

  5. mike mc says:

    Patty you won’t get any results because seaweed is organic and it is not considered trash or polution it is natural. anyway even if you clean it up one day it will be back within a couple of hrs or the next day. the only thing i can suggest is when you go to the beach bring you a rake and shovel and clear the spot where you are going to be. also it seems that you want someone else to clean it up for you so why don’t you help clean it up too because it only takes 1 person to start something . that’ the problem with people now days they want something done for them but don’t help themselves, and gripe when nothing is being done.

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