The Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of The Corner Mart/Valero Gas Station took place Saturday, June 15th. The store opened the Monday before Memorial Weekend, just a few weeks ago. The Corner Mart is already popular and crowded, but still more showed up to help celebrate the re-opening. Talk about “Bolivar Coming Back!” Linda Atkinson originally opened the Food Mart at the corner of Hwy 87 and Stingaree Road in 1992 and ran it until Hurricane Ike destroyed her business. The building was vacant until earlier this year when Chuy Amin, owner of TJ’s and Swede’s Convenience Store, purchased the property and rebuilt the store. Chamber of Commerce Members George Strong, Anne Willis, Robin Kasiske and Georgia Osten held the ribbon for Linda to cut, officially declaring the Grand Opening. Drinks, snow cones, sandwiches, chips & salads were arranged and served by Amanda Burkhalter of Coconuts. Thanks Jose (Coconuts) for preparing all the wonderful treats! Welcome Back – The Corner Mart!

Linda Atkinson cutting the ribbon for the Grand Opening of the Corner Mart

The building sat vacant after Hurricane Ike destroyed the business