By Georgia Osten
Have you ever noticed how you may google something on Amazon or wherever and then, all of a sudden, you’re bombarded with ads on that particular item? It happens to me all the time. Now, today, I just received some pictures on Facebook in my Memories, pictures of my kids 5 years ago. These happen to be the kids who are so Heavy on My Mind as I write my story. In fact, I tried to come up with another subject for my story. I was almost on to something when these memories came up, so I figured it was a “message” to just go with it!
These kids have been with us for over a year now. It’s changed our lives. You see, for the past almost 13 years, they’ve been overseas, then to the east coast. When my son-in-law had to deploy again, my daughter decided to move closer to home and family for the year, they’ve been living in the southeast Houston vicinity.
Now, they are moving across the world again, on to another adventure. Their first stop is NYC, touring 9/11, Grand Central, Little Italy, taking a subway ride and a carriage ride in Central Park. With all this running around on only a few hours sleep last night, they should be ready for their long flight tonight to their final destination.
We wish them well, but we already miss them dearly. Bon Voyage, My Dears!
Love, MOM & DAD
Beautifully written, prayers they will be safe.
I love you.