This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Here we go again!

cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
We left the beach because my sister was very ill. And let’s face it, my house, car and PVC was rusting. Our first stop was Luling because a storm was coming in the Gulf, her name was Laura. Then we moved closer to Dolores so I could get to her sooner, this was in Blanco. After all the funerals were done we found a home in Lufkin, I love every inch of this place. We laughed several times about not having to run from Gulf storms again.

Well last week we had to run to the closet! The BEEP on the phone alerted us of a tornado heading our way. RR said, “let’s grab two cushions, pillows and blanket,” and off we went. The tornado was about two or three miles from us, Yea. Of course, we tried to laugh because at least with a Hurricane you get several days notice. Do I need to keep stuff in the closet all the time? Friday’s weather is already forecasting severe weather for next week.

Tell me again, why did I think I was safer?

This past week we spent time in our new favorite store, Lowes. I purchased plants for the front porch and RR found the perfect BBQ pit. I have decided, at my age, all my plants will be on the front porch or back covered patio. I am too old to be pulling weeds all the time. (I think that is the worst thing I have ever said, I’ll be sad for days.) Problem is, I really don’t know when to quit with flower beds, and I guess I will go to my grave with dirt under my nails and on my knees.

Stay safe.


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