This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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It’s Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
Yep, I’ve finally finished my Christmas shopping, time to move on to more important stuff like FOOD! My daughter told me the other day, we’re going to do “Thanksgiving” all over again for Christmas! Love it! I don’t think I got enough turkey and ham at Thanksgiving, I’m ready to start it all over again! I happened to be at Sam’s when she informed me, great news, I’ll just pick up the ham from Sam’s, that’s perfect. Unfortunately, I had just come from WalMart where I saw “only super large” turkeys for only 68 cents per pound. I almost got one for us at home, but I thought they were too large.

Anyway, I told her where I had seen them, she searched for 3 days, every grocery store imaginable, even WalMart, all gone! She even got her husband to Uber her around in the awful rain we had on Saturday, nothing…she finally found one in Alvin when she went into the office on Monday morning, Whew!

I spent the whole day baking on Sunday. The Big Store had their big bags of bananas on for $1, so I managed to get 3 batches mixed up, little loaves for gifts and one big loaf for us.

Man, Oh Man, straight outta the oven with butter, Yummy, can’t beat it.

I managed to deliver all my “Friend” gifts on Sunday before I started baking; gotta think about when to make my “Jam Strip Cheesers” so they’ll be fresh for delivery on Christmas Day. Two families, that is families who are near, always look forward to this Pain in the You-Know-What creation that I make each year. It’s all good, it’s the thought that counts.

I guess we won’t visit again until after Christmas, so here’s wishing you all a Blessed Merry Christmas full of family and friends. Tis the Season to be Jolly and hopeful for a Wonderful New Year.





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One Response to “It’s Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas”

  1. Kellum says:

    I guess I’ll make my own jelly cookies

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