This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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It’s that time of year again

GO_0329By Georgia Osten
So much going on and so little time. And, in the middle of it all, we are planning yet another trip to visit 3 special grandkids – our trip takes us to California again. This may be the last time for us, as their 18 month vacation in California is almost over. I just asked my husband if he’s bringing his computer, because I know I’ll be bringing mine. Wow, what fun and exciting company we must be. I can already picture the two of us plugged in around their dining room table.

Much of our time will be spent picking up more guests at the airports and delivering them back to the airports when the weekend is over. We have an 8-year-old birthday to attend and a First Holy Communion. I’m so excited to see my youngest granddaughter in her dupioni silk dress I made so lovingly for her. I want to say I sweated over it, but to think of getting a drop of moisture on this dress terrified me. When my friends admired it and acted like they wanted to touch it, I would snatch it away in a heartbeat. I mailed the dress to California and when they opened it, Addyson had just finished tacos for dinner. Oh my goodness, of course, she wanted to touch it. The shrieks that came from her parents sent her off crying to her bedroom. Hopefully, she won’t have withdrawals when we get her dressed.

I think it will do us good to get away from all that goes on around here this time of year. Heaven knows it will be here when we get back. We’ll be happy to be back and we’ll dive in as soon as we touch back in Houston. Sink or swim, the show will go on!

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