This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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It’s the Easter Bunny!

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
Every time I think of the Easter Bunny, I think of Olympia Dukakis in Steel Magnolias. I know, I know, that was 33 years ago. But, more recently, I’m reminded of another quote from the same movie, Looks like two pigs fighting under a blanket! Sorry, that’s just me and my son-in-law doing a bit of people-watching. Guilty! We did it last year and again this year. I want to say it’s a bonding thing, but no, we’re just strange in the same way.

Anyway, we joined the family again this year, visiting the Country Club for their annual Easter Lunch and Easter Egg Hunt with our family, Matthew, Camber, Pierce, Riggs & Fisher. Always a thrill to watch the kiddos with the Easter Bunny and going after the Easter Egg hunt. They’re growing up! The Littles, one and all, have it figured out! Especially, Pierce, who is now eight years old. When set out amongst the other 6-9’s, he was “on it!” The other Littles, Riggs & Fisher, turned age 5 (just recently), didn’t waste a minute. Baskets Full!

I see all these pictures of the kids with the Easter Bunny, I remember the terrified looks on their faces, having to hug a Life Size Bunny! Holy Cow! It’s like visiting the “real life” Santa! Well, here’s The Littles now. After all, this Easter Bunny looks rather nice and snuggly, nothing to be to be scared about.

We went to Mass at Mary Queen Catholic Church in Friendswood, I kept thinking of the last time we were there? I think it was a Christmas, before our youngest and her family moved to Israel. They’re soon to come back HOME. To the USA anyway!

Hope you all had a Blessed Easter!
He is Risen


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