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John takes the cake

cake_0John Pope loves sweets. One of his most favorite desserts is Rita Moseley’s famous coconut cake. That man will end up eating a whole cake. Sometimes he shares a little bit with his lovely wife Sharon, but not always. When John heard about the Bay Vue United Methodist Church’s Fish Fry, he asked if Rita was baking her cake for one of the dessert choices. When told she would not be doing that this time, he stated, “I would give your church $100 if Rita made me that cake.” So his good friend Linda C. Elissalde conveyed the news to Rita. She accepted the offer and made him his very own coconut cake. John promptly wrote out a check for $100 to add to the Fish Fry coffers.

Rita baked a cake, and John took that cake. Now he can have his coconut cake and eat it too. Good luck, Sharon!


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