This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Keep Bolivar Beautiful Today and Everyday

cleanup_0When everyone lends a hand, no job is too large. And Texans – we know big pride. Visitors from all over pitched in with the Bolivar community to show care and respect for our home this weekend during the 2016 Adopt-A-Beach Fall beach cleanup. The Texas General Land Office sponsored event is supported and managed locally by Keep Bolivar Beautiful, who’s passion is to Keep Bolivar Beautiful today and everyday! Volunteers from Boy Scout and Girl Scout groups, corporate groups like Exxon-Mobil and Chevron-Phillips, and family and neighborhood groups collected countless bags of trash from our Bolivar beaches on Saturday. They were then treated to lunch at the Crystal Beach Fire Station after the cleanup. Big thanks to Exxon-Mobil, The Big Store, Walgreens and Swede’s Real Estate for supplying the burgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks for all the volunteers.

Girl Scout Troop 15513 left Cypress TX early Saturday morning to help clean the Bolivar beaches

Girl Scout Troop 15513 left Cypress TX early Saturday morning to help clean the Bolivar beaches

Volunteers from Chevron-Phillips in Port Arthur

Volunteers from Chevron-Phillips in Port Arthur

Volunteers relaxing and enjoying lunch at the CB Fire Station after the clean-up

Volunteers relaxing and enjoying lunch at the CB Fire Station after the clean-up

Fire department member Tessa Tedder flipping burgers and roasting dogs.

Fire department member Tessa Tedder flipping burgers and roasting dogs.

Keep Bolivar Beautiful and Adopt-A-Beach organizers greeting volunteers and serving lunch

Keep Bolivar Beautiful and Adopt-A-Beach organizers greeting volunteers and serving lunch

The Texas General Land Office Adopt-A-Beach program is an all-volunteer effort that began in 1986. The Adopt-A-Beach program keeps Texas beaches clean through annual all-volunteer cleanups. They work to educate Texans – young and old – about harmful marine debris. And they rally Texas support for state, national, and international action to clean coastal waters.

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