This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Kids Have A Work Day

barrels_0By Jaidyn Guerin
Saturday morning 25 Kids and 25 Barrels and a few adults got together at Stingaree to paint the barrels. Everyone decorated in their own styles. The barrels will be given to businesses, in hopes of “Keeping Bolivar Beautiful”. They are planning another get together in the Fall. We had hot dogs and cold drinks provided by Stingaree. We would like to thank the kids who came and shared their artistic abilities and amazing designs. We Would like To Thank Carlis Cole and Brenda and Larry Flanagan for organizing everything. We appreciate all those who came to help out.


The kids are: Jessica Richardson, Kadence Stewart, Carmen Richardson, Max & Emily Vratis, Alyssa & Trent Hammond, Amber Mello, Kaden Campbell, Kyleigh Loftin, Andrew & Sarah Weeks, Reese Coker, Carly Williams, Jeani Carroll, Emily Kudro, Gabby Blevins, Kaydence Willis and Jaxson & Jaidyn Guerin.




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One Response to “Kids Have A Work Day”

  1. Carlis Cole says:

    This was a great event for all of Bolivar and thank you Jaidyn for painting such a beautiful barrel and having written such a fantastic article, you will make a great journalist/ artist or whatever you choose to become. Thank you for taking time to write such a wonderful article. Carlis Cole

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