This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Like ‘em hot?

By Georgia Osten
I’ve been a fan of these pickled sweet jalapenos ever since we met Jerry & Bonnie! Come to think of it, my husband used to work with Bonnie back in his Schlumberger days. I guess I only met them since we’ve lived here at the beach. They always send the nicest Christmas gifts. I would look forward to Bonnie’s sweet jalapenos each year. Sometimes, she would send a couple of jars to me, just to me. Tom would receive some elaborate cheese-sausage-cracker medley.

The Parkers moved away some time ago, I think back to City-Life. This year, it was after Christmas. I had just got home from work, and I can’t remember why, but I was coming down the back stairs when I heard someone calling my name. I went on out to the driveway and there was Jerry with his arms full! He said he had come by at Christmastime, but no one was home. I guess we were still in Florida.

I asked Tom to write to Jerry before Christmas to see if Bonnie would share the recipe with me, but he never got around to it.

I’ve tried all the brands at HEB and Kroger. Most recently, Yellow Rose carried a close comparison. Rather pricey though. Then, lo & behold, my gift from Bonnie was not only a generous jar of her jalapenos, but THE recipe!

I ordered these from Amazon, they came in the mail today. This is what you start with, then add all the other ingredients. I can’t wait to get started on them this weekend. If you’re good, I may share some with you. I think this’ll make a pretty good batch!

bon appétit, y’all!

[GO: Feb-6-2024]

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