By Georgia Osten
Is it living vicariously through our kids, is it deja vu? Recently, not even a week ago, our youngest and her family relocated to California. They caravanned, one in the Tahoe with two children and the other in the moving truck with one child. I felt like we were with them for the whole 3-1/2 day trip across the country. Not too long ago, say 30+ years ago, our family did the same thing, moving from Texas to Ventura, California. We were about the same age and our children were about the same age. I love to tell the story – it makes me feel like some sort of super hero (just kidding). It was quite a trek though with 3 children all under the age of 7, 4 airports, 3 different planes, arriving in Oxnard, California, to meet Daddy and pick up the car which was waiting for us at the airport. So, guess what, on the way to our temporary apartment, the kids and I stopped to buy a Christmas tree, it cost around $75, but I told Daddy it was only $25. We took it to our temporary home and decorated it – all in one day! We were a lot younger back then.
Anyway, as we Face Time with our new California family, and relish in the California lifestyle, which is all theirs for now, it’s almost like tasting it! My daughter found the local WalMart and I made her send me a picture, the beach on one side and WalMart on the other. My daughter awoke at about 3am to the sound of Sea Lions – she wasn’t sure if it was Sea Lions or owls, but it’s a good story anyhow. They’re a mile from the beach, they’ve dined on Mexican food overlooking the Pacific Ocean, they play on the beach in the afternoons, watch the Sea Lions and a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium is planned for tomorrow.
I can feel every adventure with them, I can recall all the newest discoveries they are experiencing. I can’t wait to go for a visit – I hope it’s during artichoke season – I’ll bring back a case of them! We may as well say it’s “re-living” vicariously at this point.
(published 12/22/2014)
GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.
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