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Mother’s Day 2022

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
As usual, my Mother’s Day was spent at the Texas Crab Festival. I think we’ve been managing the Festival since 2013, wow! My oldest daughter and my son-in-law got into town on Friday night to help us out. We already had two sisters-in-law, a brother-in-law and a nephew in the house, I think since Thursday. The house was bulging, as it should be! Brother Bill brought his famous spaghetti to feed an army and it did! We had to make the get together quick because there was still so much to get done. So, the guests were gone by 7pm.

I planned to do some cooking of my own for the weekend, knowing we would probably come home hungry at midnight for the first two nights. As usual, whenever Annie is expected, I bake a lemon pound cake with lemon drizzled icing. So, that was my first chore. Along with that, I wanted to make some ham and cheese sliders, they’re always a hit. Other than that, we had plenty of different types of bread, cheese and lunch meat and chips for a quick sammich.

So, here I am, maybe a couple of glasses of wine already? I had prepared the glaze for the cake, we were waiting for the cake to cool a bit, so it was just sitting there in a bowl by the cake. The Sista’s helped with the ham and cheese layers on the Hawaiian rolls and I was in the midst of preparing the butter, garlic stuff for the sliders. The butter had melted in a saucepan on the stove. I began gathering the Worchester sauce, poppy seeds brown sugar and whatever else to add to the sauce. Only problem was, I kept adding Worchester, poppy seeds, etc. to my lemon glaze. I didn’t realize until I had finished adding all the ingredients. Geez, what to do now? I tasted it to see if it was maybe okay for the sliders. NOT! Back to the drawing board.

Long story, short, everything came out okay, started over on the glaze and most of the slider sauce. All of it was delicious and got consumed by the end of the weekend.

Sunday finally rolled around, LAST DAY OF THE FESTIVAL! Oh Happy Day!

My other two kiddos called me, my daughter from Israel and my son, normally from Friendswood, but, on that weekend, he and my daughter-in-law were at the Kentucky Derby of all places! Perfectly wonderful to hear from them wherever they are!

Sunday morning, I called my husband who was out at the park already, to please come pick me up and Uber me to the Silent Auction booth so I could set up for this final day. Lo and behold, if he didn’t have a little Brighton bag for me. Sweetest thing, a little bracelet I had admired weeks ago while we strolled around the Strand in Galveston. My Cup Runneth Over.

That, on top of everything else, like the last day of Crab Festival 2022, I was on Cloud Nine!
So many Blessings – a beautiful weekend, the best Crab Festival in history and a Happy Mother’s Day to Boot!


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