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My Stuff

by Georgia Osten
I was recently reminded of a comedy routine, one of my favorite, by the late George Carlin. It’s called “My Stuff.” I find that the older I get, the more Stuff I accumulate. I wrote a Sand Bucket once where I discussed the fact that moving from the City to the Beach House presented a challenge of where to put everything. I’m over that now, especially now, because we just added on, one whole bedroom, bath, closet and office. I found I didn’t have enough Stuff and had to go buy more. Now that it’s complete, the bedroom furniture that lived in my living room for over 2 months, finally got moved over into the new addition. And all the bathroom Stuff that was stashed away in drawers, closets and under beds, now has a permanent home.

Sometimes I get a wild hair to begin collecting Stuff, the latest was mermaids. Everywhere I went, another mermaid I would find. I grew tired of them and the clutter they created just about as fast as the urge came upon me to find every different one I could find. I won’t garage sell them though, just in case I want to see them again.

I think it must be hereditary, my oldest daughter, I swear, still has everything she ever had. She never gets rid of any of her Stuff, just keeps getting more Stuff. I’m afraid to buy her any Stuff, because she may not like the Stuff I pick out. And, when I go over to spend the night, there’s no room for my Stuff because her Stuff is all over the place!
Heaven forbid, I don’t have a chest of drawers empty when my youngest daughter comes to visit, because she has to have a place for her Stuff. As soon as she leaves, my Stuff goes back in the drawers. Well, watch out young lady, because I’m coming for Christmas and I’m packing all my favorite Stuff that I can’t live without for a week – make room for Grandma!

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3 Responses to “My Stuff”

  1. Nanette says:

    After Ike, thankfully we had a house in town to go to. We cleaned out closets, cabinets, garage and shop before we rebuilt here. Now, when we go into town, I can’t tell we ever got rid of Stuff but I don’t want to stay there long enough to do all that de-Stuffing again. Eventually it will happen (hopefully not because of another “Ike”) but if we are unable to climb stairs or something, maybe then. If not, I’m sure our kids will be able to part with it all!

  2. David Shinn says:

    If you want some of My Stuff to go with Your Stuff, I can send it over on the next ferry. So true is the keeping of Stuff that you think you cannot live without. In the end, the kids get Your Stuff to box up with Their Stuff and the next Saturday, it ends up with Everyone’s Stuff for sale! Great article.

  3. Chris says:

    You funny.

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