This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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New and Exciting Changes

cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
How on earth did our parents ever make it to rotary dialed phones from the type you picked up the receiver and said “hello” to the operator. How did they understand a transistor radio? My new home has a convection microwave and NO oven. I have a thick book on the contraption, but I’m almost afraid to open the first page. But I am getting tired of toast for Sunday breakfast instead of Giant Biscuits.

Then there is the propane stove. I have never in 50 years of marriage cooked on anything but electric. Oh, that is not true, there were the camping days and the Coleman stove, does that count? I loved my glass electric stove and double oven. Mom always had a gas or propane stove, she even once had an electric/gas refrigerator, that was quite handy during Hurricane Carla.

Last week I marched out and purchased an electric skillet, so happy! I even cooked spaghetti in it one night. I will never cook spaghetti in a pot again. Try it sometime, it is quick and easy.

I’m really scared about this one…RR says we are going to Apple for a tablet! REALLY!! I’m from the Lotus world and came kicking into the Excel world. So I went straight to Amazon and ordered two new books. The first is Apple for Dummies and the second one is Apple for Seniors. Stay tuned.

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