This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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No Peanuts!?!

By Georgia Osten
Another weekend of Baseball! My Grands must know that’s my favorite sport! We took Maezy and left the beach to spend the night at our kid’s house in League City. We urged Leigh to pull out the Mexican Train game(s). Yep, two incomplete games, so we counted dominoes on each set to come up with a complete game. The 2-11 was a little fatter than the others, so If that’s the one you needed, it would be easy to spot.

Early to bed because they told me we would be leaving at 7:15 Saturday morning. We had to make it to the parade before they closed the streets in Friendswood’s main drag. Holy Cow! We found parking at a business that was closed anyway for the event. Everybody and their dogs were there with folding chairs, donuts, blowing noise contraptions, you name it!

All the teams paraded up the street to eventually turn into the ball field park. The floats were beautiful, all decked out with the teams of course and so many balloons! We got to see our particular favorites, the Padres and the Astros. Riggs & Fisher, soon to be 6, were spotted first. They’re the Padres. Pierce, the 9 year old, is on the Astros.

After the parade, most of the gang ended up at the ball field for a picnic/party to wait until 1:00 for the first game. We went with Paul & Leigh to breakfast at Red Oak. Delish!

I managed to get in a shopping trip before we had to head back out to the park for the games. It was a real quick trip to HEB, my favorite!

The Padres played first. At this level, the coach throws the first two pitches to the players. If they don’t hit either of these two, they bring out the tee, so the boys, and one girl in a pink helmet and pink cleats, can put the ball in play. Some really great playing by these little guys! Our Fisher, short stop, caught a grounder and ran to second to tag the runner for the last out of their game.

ALL batters swing! And sometimes, they make contact with the ball. Between games, both sets of Grandparents, parents and aunts and uncles and cousins lingered and finally got to have a belated Birthday gathering for Pierce. He was quite hyped up for his game at 3:30.

The Astros played an exhausting game against the Brewers. They managed to do well, they didn’t win, but they gave it their best. By 6:00 or so, we were on our way back to the beach. Exhausted but so happy to have spent quality time with family.

Since I couldn’t find any peanuts at the ballpark, I rummaged through my groceries while on the ferry back to the beach.

My day was complete!

[GO: Mar-28-2023]

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