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On Sunday!

Sunday0By Linda Elissalde
Sunday is a special day for many people. Some celebrate religious beliefs, and others enjoy having a day off. It is not always a proverbial “Day of Rest” because a lot of folk save up chores for this occasion. Some consider Sunday to be the last day of the week while others think of it as the beginning of a new one. Still this Day of the Sun holds a unique spot in any week.

Sunday meant church when I was growing up. Morning at First Methodist Church in Beaumont, Texas consisted of Sunday School followed by a traditional service in the sanctuary. My favorite part was the music. The sermons were probably great, but most of we youngsters who sat together in the back did not pay as much attention as we should have. Dinner was a noon day meal that consisted of some special food or (my favorite) eating at the Piccadilly Restaurant in downtown Beaumont. Afternoon meant a movie with my neighbors Martha Ben and Marvyn Harrison. We really loved the MGM musicals and replicated the songs and dances on our driveway. Sunday evening was back to church for a shorter service.

Speaker Trish Smith and member of the flock Sheepo.

Speaker Trish Smith and member of the flock Sheepo.

Yes, Sundays are different. Sunday, July 9, 2017 provided an extra delight at Bay Vue UMC. Children’s Church Superintendent Trish Smith delivered the service message. Our great pastor Valerie Hudson was on holiday and encouraged Trish to share her religious journey with the congregation. Trish, backed up by Bay Vue’s small, but lustily singing choir, took us on an enlightening, spiritual trip. She shared adventures and discoveries encountered during her life. Ms. Smith’s wonderful words assured us all of God’s enveloping love whether we deserve it or not. George Strong, Betty Williamson and Trish’s mom Edith assisted with the service presentation.

Children's Church participants.

Children’s Church participants.

Folk have myriad choices for Sunday events. Thanks to Trish Smith, a visit to Bay Vue UMC on July 9 was a delightful and inspiring one.

Margo Johnson is back from Eastern Europe, and George Strong returns from Italy.

Margo Johnson is back from Eastern Europe, and George Strong returns from Italy.


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