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Our Ray of Sunshine

GO_0120By Georgia Osten
Okay, I have to admit when I sit down to write my Sand Bucket, 9 times out of 10, I don’t have a clue what I’m going to write about. This time I do, because I just had the most wonderful weekend in quite a while. The weather has been a little gloomy … to say the least, but lo and behold, the sun has begun to come out to cheer us on! And, with the sun, came another ray of sunshine this weekend – little Pierce. He’s going on 1 year, our Sixth Grandchild.

In preparation, I found all the household toys from grand kids young and old, threw them in the dishwasher, and air-dried them out on the deck before Pierce was to arrive. The crib was scrubbed, and the sheets and mattress pad laundered for his visit. We even found a new indoor-outdoor rug to spread on the tile floor – these beach houses can be so chilly.

Saturday morning, Daddy went for a run, and PawPaw prepared some scrambled eggs for our Precious – two bites in, he began to blotch up, tears, itchy eyes – Mommy jumps into action and runs up to The Big Store for some Childrens Benedryl – call the Doctor – how much should we give a 10 month old. Finally, dosage given, he has the most fantastic morning nap known to children.

Long story short, Pierce got rid of the scrambled eggs upon waking from his nap, we laundered all bedding, and he had a fantastic afternoon. Later we dined at Stingaree, where he ate tiny cut up portions of everything on the table, even Boudain Balls – Not to Worry, He’s Back!

Sunday morning, as everyone prepared to go back home, the parents apologized for Pierce being a bit out of sorts over the weekend. We looked at each other later- how enjoyable, we’ll take him anyway we can get him!!

(This article published 1/19/2015)

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.

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