This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Poker Run Soggy Saturday

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
We set out early with the huge banner on top of the golf cart. It had already rained through the night, the winds had picked up and the possibility of more rain was threatening in the far west. We made it halfway when our banner came undone, so we turned around and headed back home, just making it before another downpour came upon us. We decided we would mount the banner on the back of the pickup and headed down to Jose’s where the fun had already begun. The golf carts were lined up out back of Jose’s and we went in to watch the tail end of the t-shirt distribution. Not having a chore, I sat on the stage with Big Daddy until the crowd was ready to leave.

We left a bit ahead of everyone en route to Tiki. I grabbed a good seat at the outdoor bar under shelter in case it began to rain again. Perfect place to watch all the crazies. I take that back, they weren’t crazy yet! I didn’t know many folks, let’s face it, there a lot of new faces! I did meet a very nice lady named Melissa. I found out she’s a nurse and she lives in Houston.

We left just before the crowd to make our way to The Eagles. Oh what fun! The Eagles had little individual plates set out with fruit, a deviled egg and some other kind of swirly tidbit. Several ladies were selling Dreamsicle and Cherry Jello shots for $1 each, 400 of them, sold out! Two or three bars set up selling libations to suit every palate! Jim pulled the winning ticket from the big rolling drum, Terri Riley was the winner of the 50/50 drawing, $1,100, Congrats Terri!

Leaving the Eagles, we all headed for Stingaree for the last stop of the Poker Run. By that time, the rain was gone, leaving blue skies and a steamy sauna. Arriving before everyone else, I grabbed my special place at the outside bar with a wonderful view of the auction stage and the Intracoastal, not to mention the People Watching! Mona, from Nauti’s tended bar. Brad made time to work the crowd with hugs and handshakes.

Stingaree was the perfect setting In Memory of Rayna Reagan, Saturday would have been her birthday. How fitting!

I knew a few more peeps at Stingaree, still a lot of strangers to me. Met a very nice lady, Sharon, property management, who lives in Laguna. Lana sat on one side of me at the bar and Mary sat on the other side. What fun ladies!

The auction was a hit, Big Daddy was the auctioneer, injecting his little spontaneous ditties. Where does this guy come with all the funnies? I can’t wait to hear what the auction brought in. What a wonderful charity for our local schools and volunteer fire departments! I’m proud to see the Golf Cart Poker Run at it again.

I hope to see you all out there next year for the fun and excitement!


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