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Poster Children

patrickI guess it was the weekend before the Crab Festival, when Sid and I were up at The Big Store selling raffle tickets for the Six-Seater Golf Cart, when this young man and his gorgeous girlfriend stopped to ask what we were doing. We told them about the 30th Annual Texas Crab Festival coming up in just one week, and that the golf cart would be raffled off on Mother’s Day. SO EXCITED, Patrick announced they would be there. So, I said, “come see me, I’ll be at the Beer Booth.” Here they are – my Texas Crab Festival Poster Children!

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One Response to “Poster Children”

  1. Barbara Prenger says:

    Hello EVERYONE on Bolivar Peninsula! We sure miss all of our friends there! Especially nostalgic when I looked at all the Crab Festival pictures!

    ED AND I ARE ENJOYING OUR LATER RETIREMENT YEARS UP NEAR DALLAS WHERE WE HAVE FAMILY! No Hurricanes up here! Only tornadoes and gobs of rain ! Proves one can NOt escape Mother Nature!

    If you are up this way… get our phone number from Joann at Coastal Surveying ….

    Hugs, Barbara

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