This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Praise the Lord!

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
What a fun fun week!
It’s been a long time since we got to go on our monthly getaway/birthday celebration, but we finally got to leave home for the Island. First stop – new cell phones, a costly venture, all Freebies aren’t exactly what you think they’ll be. HELP, we need a teenager or someone younger than 16 to teach us how to use these new-fangled thing-a-ma-jigs.

Next stop, WalMart for a new battery for my precious motor vehicle. She just stopped one day last week. Faulty battery, didn’t even last one year! Hey, getting things done, that’s what old folks do on a “date.”

Finally, starving and ready to “get this date on the road,” we got to our favorite destination in town. Old Fashioned’s at the bar, then off to Hearsay’s for appetizers, then back up the street to Black Pearl for Oysters Rockefeller. How much fun can two people have? Back to the bar at the hotel where we met the nicest people and lingered quite a while visiting. Exhausted, we made our way back to the newly renovated room and fell quite soundly asleep. Breakfast at Sunflower before making it back to our own Paradise.

Saturday, spent the day in Winnie. Tractor Supply. Now, that’s my kind’a store! Christmas presents for The Littles and even took care of some business stuff while we were there. You may even call this a Business Trip after all. Lunch at Tia Juanita’s, I can’t wait ’til they open up a restaurant here at “Crystal.” That’s what the Winnie folks call it – “Crystal.”

Sunday, mass at Holy Rosary. I think it’s the second time we’ve been to Holy Rosary. Father Jude was the celebrant at that mass, he’s our favorite! What a lively time. The choir, with a big ol’ guy at the piano who, I swear, probably doubles at a HonkyTonk down on the Strand, a drummer, a guy with a trumpet, not to mention about 6-7 singers, all in suits or fancy dresses, complete with hats and high heels! At any time, you would expect Shug Avery & Whoopi to come strutting up to the alter singing and dancing. Amen!

After breakfast at ShyKatZ, we made our way over to ARTtoberFEST where they had Post Office and several cross streets blocked off, over 100 very unique Art Vendors. Oh my goodness, we saw at least five of our Crab Festival vendors there as well. What a good time and lots of shopping to be done.

I’m practicing for the Nutcracker Market in November, I think I’m ready!


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One Response to “Praise the Lord!”

  1. Kelbel says:

    What a sweet story! Sounds like a fun-filled time! Love you both.

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