This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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PSP News

Although we typically dedicate this article to baseball game highlights, this week Peninsula Sports Park would like to recognize and give overdue credit to our Volunteer Coaches. Being a volunteer coach takes not only a lot of someone’s time, but it also requires patience, understanding, and it is physically demanding. Late nights, dirty and over-packed vehicles, and absolute disruption of any household schedule is just part of the “job”. PSP is fortunate to have some folks in our community that care about the kids’ sporting programs as we do. This baseball season we are thankful to have Bruce Duncan, Megan Scott, Sheldon Scott, Lynn Mlcak, Ray Huffman, Mark Allen, Troy Casey, Maria Botello, Angela Oviedo, Daniel Clayton, Chad Ewing, Brenda Alexander, and Billy DeWett coaching our teams. Another volunteer we would like to credit is our Umpire Savannah Frazier who loves the kids as much as they love her.

We are always looking for Volunteers, if you’re interested in helping Peninsula Sports Park with any of our programs please contact us as it can be a rewarding experience for both you and the children.

Don’t forget to get registered for our upcoming FUNdraiser the Watermelon Crawl, a full day of fun, games, and prizes by way of decorated Golf Cart & Jeep Beach Parade stopping at Stingaree, Eagles, Tiki, the Ship’s Wheel, and ending at Camp Margaritaville.

Please follow our Peninsula Sports Park page on Facebook and our website for all our exciting events.

[LL: Apr-4-2023]

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