By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Rollover Pass on Bolivar Peninsula, TX.
Small in size but HUGE in popularity the Micropogonias Undulates -or- Golden Croaker, are cherished entree’s on family dinner tables, but also have the ability to give anglers the hard fighting qualities of larger fish. FAMILY FUN is the key word here folks when enjoying Autumn’s annual run of golden croaker. A species of the Drum family, croaker don’t reach the ponderous weights of its cousins, the Black Drum or Redfish, but have been known to reach 19 inches and 4 pounds in weight. However, the normal catches during the fall average 3/4 to one pound with quantity and quality outweighing the poundage of its larger cousins. Croaker are silvery in color during their juvenile stage but turn bronze, or golden hued during their adult phase. Their upper bodies are marked with small speckles in wavy vertical lines and have under-slung mouths with barbles with razor sharp gill-plates, which must be handled very carefully to avoid razor like cuts to your hands.

This couple managed to box up a great croaker catch for supper
The Golden Croaker are an Atlantic species, separate from the Gulf Croaker, and are found along the eastern seaboard into the Gulf of Mexico. Fished for as bait and food along the Texas Gulf Coast by anglers in bays, cuts, and estuaries, the croaker are also found offshore in waters as deep as 300 feet around oil and gas rigs. Inshore anglers target these fish mostly during their annual fall runs when golden croaker begin massive migrations from inshore bays to spawn in the deeper waters of the Gulf during the Fall. It is during these runs that they are concentrated in huge schools and are the easiest to catch by most everyone using anything that can have a hook tied to it.

Quality Family Fun and fishing

This 14 inch bull croaker hit an artificial bait
In low current to no current fishing areas use a slip-rig. Slide on a 1 oz egg or bell sinker(in medium to heavier currents use heavier weights to a swivel. Tie on a 2 ft section of slightly lighter line (8 lb mainline- use 6 lb leader to swivel then tie on a #6 Aberdeen hook. The lighter leader line will allow break offs of the lighter line in case of bottom snags, saving you the loss of the more expense weights. The Aberdeen hook (wire-hook when snagged can be pulled easily then re-bent for fishing. The Aberdeen is also very sharp and will often cause the fish to hook itself when biting the bait. Prime baits are fresh dead shrimp, or cut-bait sliced into small 1-inch pieces threaded over the barb of a hook. I prefer using light tackle when fishing for croaker as it gives me maximum pleasure that these hard fighting fish are capable of. When huge schools of croaker begin moving through the passes and cuts they are in competition for the food and will often hit the bait really hard (no sissy nibbles here folks) and can often rip your rod into the water within a blink of an eye. So keep your eye on your rod, in fact, when the run is on I strongly advise keeping your rod in your hands at all times or at least in a rod holder.

Fishin buds fixin’ to clean their daily catch of golden croaker
Excellent eating, golden croaker are often a preferred table fish by many anglers over the more promoted game fish species such as redfish and flounder (yes flounder) with golden croaker having a very sweet and delicate flavor when deep fried or grilled and basted to a golden brown. I find the flavor of golden croaker superior to redfish.
Some prefer grilling, while others opt to grind croaker filets into patties, but most anglers choose to roll filets in egg and Cajun seasoning for deep frying in peanut oil until crispy, golden brown. Then served up with tater fries and your favorite chilled beverage. Whichever way your palate prefers be assured that the quality of your choice will provide a tasty meal on your supper table.

You’re never too young as this Tyke shows fishing and catching bull croaker
But my absolute favorite golden croaker fishing spot is Rollover Pass, situated at Gilchrist TX, on Hwy-87 (Jane Long Memorial Hwy) on the Bolivar Peninsula. This 200 yard long by 50 yard wide waterway between East Bay and the Gulf is not only a major magnet for croaker runs, but redfish, flounder, and speckled trout as well. This facility offers drive up fishing with bait camps and RV parks conveniently adjacent to the pass. When croaker runs start here at the pass it’s the place to be for filling up your cooler with some of the finest eating fish that saltwater Texas has to offer.
This is meat-fishing at its finest folks with adults and children of all ages having tons of fun fishing and catching a lot of fish in just a very short time. It’s also a great way to get your children interested in fishing with the steady fishing action keeping them excited and interested in catching fish instead of watching TV, or playing those “gawd awful” electronic games.
(published 9/23/2014)
Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp
Crystal Beach Local News
The Beach Triton