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Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Aug 11 – Aug 17, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Wild and wooley incidents occurred here at the pass this past week. We had one wade angler stepping on a stingray while fishing the surf causing him great pain and heading for the hospital for surgery and treatments. Another wader mounted a piling to fish for trout, and not long after loading his stringer a big shark chomped onto his trout, yanking him off the piling and into the water. The shark pulled the struggling angler under three times before he could release the stringer. Swimming to shore bruised, battered, and bleeding, he managed to get to safety. Both anglers are OK now, but BOTH lost their bullet proofing. The stingrayed angler learned to slide his feet next time and the SHARKED angler learned to use a clip or slip knot next time. AND there will be a next time for both. Summer patterns folks: Flounder, trout, and reds are early and late options now with daytime temps up in the triple digits. GOOD LUCK and STAY SAFE!!

click here for this week’s Fishing Pictures

Speckled Trout
Early and late patterns for catching quality specks.
(Limit: 15 inch minimum for 10 trout with only one 25 inch trout per day allowed as part of your daily limit)

Redfish (Red Drum)
The Autumn run of reds tain’t far off folks. Some good action right now, but the best is yet to come.
(Limit: 20 inch minimum to 28 inch maximum for 3 reds per day – one over 28 inch red -plus bonus red- allowed when properly tagged in addition to your 3 fish limit)

Black Drum
Pups and Bulls are hitting.
(Limit: 14 inch minimum to 30 inch maximum for 5 fish per day with one OVER 52 inches allowed)

GREAT action on flounder BUT only one out of 10 are keepers.
(Limit: 14 inch minimum for 5 fish per day limit)

(Limit: 15 inch minimum with 5 per day Creel)

Gafftop Catfish
(Limit: 14 inch minimum for no limit creel)

Good whiting and croaker in the cut and surf. Goldens are beginning to show up.
(No Limits)

Good sandy action but a bit on the small side. Anglers beware that small specks are feeding with sandies so check before you keep.
(No Limits)

Blue Claw Crab
Good blue claws being boxed.
(Limit: 5 inches between points with no berry crabs (females with eggs) allowed)

Stone Crabs
(Limit: only right claw may be kept when 2-1/2 inches above first Knuckle)

This report sponsored by
Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp
Crystal Beach Local News
The Beach Triton

Tides for Rollover Pass, East Bay TX starting Aug 19, 2014.

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