By Georgia Osten
It was a Win/Win situation, just to get things straight. We wanted to go to the Chili Festival in Galveston on Saturday. We happened to catch the festival during a 20-30 minute halt in the drizzle/downpours. Of course, sections of The Strand and cross streets were blocked off and we made our way amongst booth after booth of chili samples. Sidenote here, the last time I made chili was a week ago when we had that little cold snap. It was tasty, but the acid reflux that night was a nightmare. We portioned off the remains in freezer containers, but it never made it to the freezer. I guess we’re just not cut out for a lot of the spicy stuff we used to enjoy? I ended up throwing the rest of the chili away after our trip to the Chili Festival.
The whole reason for going was to meet two of our new Crab Fest vendors. First passthrough, we didn’t see either of them. As I said, the weather was horrible, but we managed to find our two newcomers on the way back to the car. It was great meeting them and I think they’ll be a great addition to our vendor family.
Our next stop was the Star Drug Store for lunch. Star Drug is becoming one of our favorite hangouts in Galveston. As you already know, we love to sit up at the bar and there happened to be two seats with our names on them. I ordered a big ol’ tuna on croissant and my husband got a bacon, avocado sandwich. If I hadn’t been so full, I would have loved a strawberry milk shake, but my conscience got the better of me.
Okay, here’s the Win/Win part of the whole deal. With a trip to a festival, I talked my husband into taking me to Kroger. Oh my goodness, you would have thought I had committed him to the insane asylum. (he hates to shop with me) (visa-versa)
The thing is, you have to keep him busy, give him tasks to do until I can finish. First, after he dropped me off at the store, he went to gas up the truck. When he finally found me in the store, I had a couple of other errands go get some avocados, go find the snack bars, (I forgot to ask him to go get grapes), so we came home without any.
It’s all good, we made quite a day out of this outing and both of us were fulfilled. After all, marriage is a 50/50 agreement, as long as I get my way in the end