This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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So, There I Was

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
Busy, Busy Saturday. I finally got the nerve to step into my garden, but every time something touched my leg, I jumped a foot off the ground. I made headway though, filled up one garbage can with sweet potato vine and whatever that other thing is that sends out long vines from one side of the stairs to the other. I actually managed to dig up a few sweet potatoes as well!

A friend of mine asked me once if I ever ate those sweet potatoes out of my garden. She said, “you know they’re all dirty.” Well, you know, that’s where the sweet potatoes grow. Even the ones you get from HEB!

But the answer is “no,” but my dog loves them.

So, Saturday night was Trunk or Treat up at The Big Store. We drove the golf cart up there, it wasn’t too cold yet, and thank goodness, the rain went away Saturday. But, thank goodness for the rain, our sloughs filled up, Happy Turtles! And, the Burn Ban was lifted. Campfires allowed on the beach again, and just in time for some cool weather, we can use our fire pits.

The Trick-or-Treaters were in abundance again this year. I swear, so many people, more and more people I don’t know, this place is growing by leaps and bounds! Leslie was over there with her games, Brian from the Community Church with his Ring the Bottle Toss. Our EMS peeps were there, hope they had enough candy?

Our Fire Departments, Crystal Beach & High Island were out there as well.

I got a call from the Ops Supervisor on Friday, “Georgia, we need some candy for Trunk or Treat.” I happened to be out and about shopping. I had already left Sam’s when I got the message. Forgot to look at HEB when I was there. That’s okay, I’ll stop at the next Sam’s on the way home. NOTHING! They were sold out except for Dummy’s, which I bought two. WalMart right next door, I’ll try there. BINGO! Grabbed what I thought might be $150 worth of big bags. I went to Self Checkout, thinking it’ll be fast. NO! After inserting my card and ringing up a bag, the system would total me out. Start over, rang up another bag, TOTAL. Oh geez! We went through this for 15 bags of candy, I made sure to grab my receipt for each one, knowing I needed to get reimbursed for this shenanigan.

It was cool, my last stop, time to head home.

Back to Trunk or Treat. What a fun event, the whole community comes out and enjoys. Free hotdogs! What more can you ask for? Thanks to the Eagles!

I decided to park myself by Linda (ACE) (Cutie #1) and Marcel at the Costume Contest! What a treat, those two, they are always the life of the party.

Meanwhile, my husband, photographer #1 was out there amongst the crowd, along with Sharon, Crystal Beach Marketing. So “There I Was,” minding my own business while my Dear-E-O was traipsing around with Muriel. I swear, I can’t take him anywhere!

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One Response to “So, There I Was”

  1. Cutie #2 says:

    Dear Cutie#1,

    It is always fun to be around you. You make us more happy. Thanks!

    Cutie #2 (aka: ACE)and Marcel

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