This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Spring Has Sprung

By Georgia Osten
What’s it been? A year since last Spring Break? And the Break Out of COVID? So much going on this past weekend. It’s like the whole world turned around and got back to normal. Wait, I speak with haste, the whole world, NOT TRUE. Crystal Beach/Bolivar Peninsula has remained the same. Sure, some of us locals still wear our masks, but the people who frequent our Peninsula, NEVER! They’re the people who visit our peninsula and go to The Big Store and stand right up against you in line, where’s the 6-ft. rule there? Our peninsula, even a year ago, you would never know there was a pandemic. Social Distancing – What’s That? And, you know what else? The statistics will never rate true, most of our visitors are from distant counties, if/when they get Covid, their statistics go against their county.

Sorry, I got carried away. I was about to talk about all the events and happenings going on last weekend. All of a sudden, it’s Spring Break again and they’re OUT! Yay! The beach was packed. The restaurants were flooded.

Family fun, the Sandcastle Building Contest sponsored by Latitude and Bolivar Escapes. What fun, a family event! Spectators-a-plenty, everyone having a good wholesome time. The Sandcastle Contest benefited the Ministerial Alliance, the group of churches on the peninsula who offer a scholarship each year. They also put on the Easter Sonrise service each year.

Let’s see, what else, oh yes. There was a parade, a Pub Crawl, yep. The “crawl” started at Stingaree very early for drinks, then I guess it came to the beach, then back up to The Eagles for drinks, then the beach, then ended at Gulf Range for more drinks. Lots of Pub time, after all, We’re a Quaint Little Fishing Town With a Drinking Problem.

It’s all good. The Peninsula loves a good time. That’s why we’re so popular!



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