By Georgia Osten
I got so excited, I wet my plants! The end of Spring Break 2016! How do we, as locals, get our arms around this holiday? One aspect of this holiday that brings me joy is getting 6 teenagers for a few nights last week. Delightful, very respectful kiddos. They’re all seniors next year, so by this age, they pretty much know how to take care of themselves. Five girls and one very lucky boy. After our bonfire, they told me they were going to take a walk on the beach. PawPaw and I had gone to bed, but as I lay there, worrying, I pick up my cell to text Emma, it was 10:45pm, I text “please be home by 11.” She responds, “we’re downstairs.” Ah, thank goodness, and off to sleep I go.
A lot of things go on during Spring Break, things I can’t get my arms around, like the lack of respect and the wild abandon of some of the youngsters. This isn’t your regular family holiday. I’m a bit confused on all the new laws I hear about:
-You CAN drive your golf cart on the beach at night if it has lights, but you can’t drive it home on a county road, it has to be trailered.
-You can NEVER drive your ATV on a county road, but I see them going up and down my street all the time.
-You CANNOT leave your palm frond cuttings in the dunes, yet I see golf carts loaded with palm fronds on their way to the beach daily.
All these rules are fine, but will never be understood until they’re enforced. I realize the authorities had priorities these past couple of weeks, what they considered important and what they didn’t. I think, all in all, our little community was protected, and by the looks of the beach, a lot of people cleaned up after themselves.
Count your blessings.
GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.
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