This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Take Me Out to The Ballgame

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
Well, I believe this is the latest I’ve ever gotten started on my Sand Bucket. It’s not that I didn’t know what I wanted to write about, but it’s been the Monday from You Know Where! I admit I took Friday off, I’ll tell you all about that soon. But, it seems everybody missed me. Right, I’m kidding myself. It’s really cute, they’ll come in the office “Good Morning, Mrs. Georgia.” Then, “I need … “ and so on and so on. I swear, with all the ordering they wanted me to do, I must spend hundreds each day (not my money). Then, I must have spent an hour on the phone with the bank, all of a sudden, my company credit card and my boss’s were put on fraud alert, no charges going through on either. I don’t get it, but thank goodness for fraud alert and positive pay.

So, my weekend began on Thursday, I left work a bit early to get to Friendswood to take care of “The Littles.” If anyone has ever read my stories, you already know “The Littles.” If you don’t, they’re 3 of the cutest fellas around. Pierce just turned 8, Riggs and Fisher (in that order) turn 5 TODAY! April 5th – Happy Birthday Boys!

My husband had all sorts of things to do back here, like a doctor’s appointment on Friday, set up for Pearl Beach Cook Off, Saturday a Ribbon Cutting and more Pearl Beach, not to mention the Cultural Foundation Art Show, not to mention setting up Annette at The Big Store to sell raffle tickets, then on Sunday, set up Annette again at The Big Store. Man oh Man!

Anyway, Thursday, my Son and Daughter-in-Law left for Colorado for a wedding. My Son, Matthew, was the officiant, How Proud Am I?? This was like a Solo Trip for me, I’m not sure I’ve ever bitten off all that for a weekend, but I was determined to be victorious. So, Thursday night, we ordered pizza from Stefanos. I DID IT ON THE PHONE. Lo and behold, it worked, they actually delivered it at 5:30 pm like I asked.

Friday, Pierce had to go to school. OMG, I had to find school. Thank goodness Camber, my sweet Daughter-in-Law, let me drive to school, a dry run! The other Littles woke up so they could go with me to take P to school. We made it on time. Then, I needed a Starbucks, because I couldn’t figure out Camber’s coffee maker at the house. Bingo, got Starbucks on my maps on my phone, one Grande Flat White! Got back home, Oh, forgot to tell you, breakfast was a success – Grands Biscuits with grape jelly.

The Little Littles played all day. They do quite well, just the two of them. I walked down the street to the bus stop to meet Pierce and I asked, “could I carry anything for you?” “Sure, Grandma, will you carry my backpack?”

Ordered Chinese tonight from 888. Since it was Friday (Lent), I got Shrimp Kung Pao and I ordered the boys Sweet & Sour Chicken with white rice. It was huge, enough for all 3 boys with some left over for Saturday night. Mine too!

Saturday was T-Ball games for The Little Littles. We kind of lounged around, I forget what I served for breakfast?? The uniforms were all laid out on the dining room table. We had to call Mommy to ask who was number 10 and who was number 14?? It’s all good, we got everybody dressed, I even managed to get a shower. I can’t remember the last time, I worried leaving little ones to escape for a shower. Got to the ball park on time, but several games were already in progress, had to park miles away. It’s all good, the boys knew which field they were supposed to go to, Grandma parked the car, jumping a curb, it’s all good.

The game was a success, everybody played their hearts out (when they weren’t “picking daisies”). One of the Mom’s walking out behind us said, “Grandma, only one more day!” I nodded and thanked her for her blessing. As promised, lunch from Whataburger, three kids chicken meals – $29. Yikes! Even though they had these cute snacks from the Team Mom, they devoured their chicken meals when we got home.

Well, who wouldn’t? After all, Grandma said, “if you finish your chicken meals, you can get in the pool.” Over two hours later, every water-logged boy was ready to get out. Grandma said, “no showers tonight.” What a treat – Ah, Heaven!

I thought I could keep them up til 9:00, but they were “a’draggin’.” 8:30 bedtime, thank goodness, because Grandma was “a’draggin’.”

I tried to watch another episode of HGTV – Ben & Erin with Home Town. Three days in a row, I had that Netflix series on, I love it, obviously!

Night Night Boys and Grandma (not to mention two dogs)!

Sunday, crescents with grape jelly, chocolate milk for Pierce, orange juice for Riggs and Fisher. Cousin Christopher came down from his hangout to stay with the boys until Mom & Dad returned from Colorado. Boy, did they have their work cut out for them, T-Ball pics at 1:00 pm (thank goodness I had washed their uniforms). Pierce’s B’Day Party at 3:00 at the Skating Rink.

Grandma reluctantly left these Super Youngun’s for my weekly trip to Sam’s and the Super New HEB at El Dorado. The SUV was just as full as it could be, I happily returned home to my dear Crystal Beach, my husband and Pupp’a Dogs!
Grandma in her 70’s, who’s counting? It’s No Hill for a Climber!

Only kidding, it’s 8pm, I’m ready for bed!


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