By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
In the past, many anglers have asked me what the Texas State Saltwater Records were, and of course I could only give them a guesstimated answer at best. I know and appreciate these inquires, due to their curiosities from their needs to know after catching a large fish. My past fishing experiences of catching some possible records have, unfortunately, always been “after the fact” Though. I do, however, hold a “line class” freshwater world record, but I’ve missed out on many saltwater records simply because I didn’t have that knowledge at the time.

Leaping Spinner Shark off Rollover Pass, TX. photo by Ed Snyder
Now, I know some anglers really care less about setting any records only looking forward to releasing their fish in the fry pan, and there is nothing wrong with that. But there are some anglers who do care and would like to know about these records, and would like to hold some those “Bragging Rights” listed in the record books. So, for them, here is the list of updated state records. (Updated January 6, 2015)
For the complete list, go to TPWD State Records
On how to acquire a possible State record for your catch, contact: CLICK HERE and just follow the instructions.
This Ed Snyder Report Sponsored by Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp,, The Beach Triton,, InfoGuide- Texas Parks & Wildlife
(This article published 1/12/2015)