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Texas Whooper Watch

whooper_0Endangered whooping cranes have begun their annual 2,400-mile fall migration from Canada to Texas. While the traditional wintering grounds on and near Aransas National Wildlife Refuge are wellknown, biologists have much less information about locations used by Whooping Cranes in migration. In addition, as the Whooping Crane population continues to grow, whoopers are beginning to explore new wintering habitat away from traditional areas.

Texas Whooper Watch seeks the help of citizen scientists in identifying Whooping Crane migration stopover sites and non-traditional wintering areas, in assessing whether any hazards exist to whoopers at these sites, and in learning more about behavior and habitat use at these sites.

If Whooping Cranes remain in an area for an extended period of time, then you can help Texas Whooper Watch by gathering data on Whooping Crane movements and behavior. Texas Whooper Watch will provide you with a behavior checklist and data form. You can also capture behavior information using video cameras and submit the files to Texas Whooper Watch. Simply let us know if you’d like to be a “Whooper Watcher.”

Contact us at:
or (800) 792-1112 x8999 (TXWW)

Texas Whooper Watch Brochure

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