This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Thank You Texas A&M Ramblers Bluegrass Band

…and John Wesley Foundation Members
By Linda Elissalde
Bay Vue Church received a great gift on Sunday, October 23. The John Wesley Foundation at Texas A&M used the church for an overnight retreat. Sunday morning their Ramblers Bluegrass Band presented a wonderful program of good old gospel hymns. The talented 6 member group had a packed audience lustily joining in to DOWN BY THE RIVERSIDE, IN THE GARDEN, SWEET BY AND BY, and other memorable tunes. Pastor Valerie Hudson and pianist Paulette Layfield assisted in the finale, I’LL FLY AWAY – A most tuneful “Joyful Noise”.

Campus Pastor Katy Haislet thanked Bay Vue for allowing the group to stay overnight at the church. She also shared how United Methodist apportionments helped keep Wesley Foundations possible on college campuses. Bay View members provided a delicious luncheon in Fellowship Hall. (Methodists always have food.) During the luncheon a happy Aggie announced that he found his Aggie ring that had been lost at the beach. Fellowship Hall erupted in applause and cheers.

Students quickly packed up and loaded transports with their supplies. These young folk were an absolute joy. They serve as an example of how many youth of today are polite, kind, helpful, and talented. We were indeed blessed to have them with us and are sincerely grateful. THANK YOU, TEXAS, A&M RAMBLERS BLUEGRASS BAND AND JOHN WESLEY FOUNDATION MEMBERS!


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