By Georgia Osten
I read a story recently about the “cures” our Moms and our Aunts used to concoct for the young ‘uns in the family.
It reminded me of my Mom and some I’ve tried on my children, especially when we’re in a remote location – meaning, not near a pharmacy or doctor. I guess I was 4 or 5, when we were visiting my Grandmother who lived out in the country – Spring, before it was built up all the way from Houston. I had the croup, coughing like crazy, everyone just wanted this Kid to go to sleep. My Mommy made up a potion of honey, lemon and whiskey for me to “sip” on. I polished off the whole thing in a matter of minutes and WHAM, off to the sofa I went.
When I got stung by a bee, Mom went into action again. Everyone smoked back then, so my Mom simply tore a cigarette apart, spit on the tobacco, applied the poultice to my sting and covered it with a band aid – good as new! She did the same thing when I fell off my water skis into a cluster of Portuguese Man of War.
I’m an only child, and I’ve lived to the ripe old age of … Thanks Mom
GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.
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