This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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The Day After

cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
It is always easier for me to reflect on holidays the day or week after. This year was very different than any other Mother’s Day. For the first time, neither of my girls are with us, Di is at the farm in Blanco and Rene’ is on Galveston home tour with Jon, her second born son. For many years, all the ladies of our family, that would include my Mom, Mother-in-law, and sister-in-law, would meet in Galveston for breakfast and tour the homes. As my sister and Mom got a little older Dianne, Rene’ and I would volunteer as docents for the first shift, have lunch, and tour the homes ourselves. We loved that so much that we recruited the first born grandkids to volunteer too. Ashlynn and Josh really enjoyed our days.

Both girls had asked me to do something with them since they were going different directions, and I said thank you but I did not want to drive 2 to 5 hours in either directions. Bad Mommy.

Do you realize just about everyone is a Mom? You can be a mom to your pet without ever having a child and every lil’ girl is a mom to her baby doll. Men are Mom’s too. Sometimes they must take the place of a mom and be a dad too.

My sister, Dolores, was a mom to me long before she had her son. Dolores was 14 when I was born, so I really had two moms. Sometimes that was good and sometimes not so much.

This is the first year that all but one grandchild is around, most are off in other states, or working. My daughters are learning this the hard way and even their Mom deserted them this year.

Mom loves you and misses you ALL bunches.


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