By Georgia Osten
Summer is beginning to fade away. It seems like just yesterday, we were kicking off the season with the Texas Crab Festival and the Frog Fest right on its heels. We sure experienced a lot of rain early in the season, the sloughs were full of water, our lawns were green and our water bills were low. Typical of any summer I can remember, we’re now right in the middle of a drought, with a burn ban warning. I’m keeping those sprinklers going on my grass and I dread getting the bill next month from the water company.
Also, typical of any summer, I’m ready to have the beach back. I know, I know, we’re a tourist community and our businesses thrive on these tourists. I can bear it for another few weeks until school actually starts. I have a few remote places I can go to escape the crowds and the earlier you get to the beach, the fewer people you’ll encounter.
Today, I heard this weekend is going to be a doozy! Chive On and The Jeepers. Okay, Chive On means “Stay the course no matter what. Chive On refers to the mutual understanding between Chivers on how to go about life, regardless of all the *&^*&% … it’s an underground social network, a family.” Sorry, I had to block out the middle of the definition, I don’t think it matters in terms of understanding what Chive On really means. Keep Calm Chive On is usually abbreviated to KCCO. I hear it’s helpful if you have a truck and a pole??
Now, let’s go to the other upcoming event of the weekend – The Jeepers. Supposedly, this is a follow up to the last Jeepers weekend in May – Yay! I feel like a true Jeeper now that I can at least board my jeep on either side with no difficulty at all. Thanks to our resident welder, I now have SPFS – that’s Short People Friendly Steps.
Have a great weekend. I’m ready for Stacking – look out Jeepers!
(This article published 8/10/2015)
GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.
Contact Georgia Osten:
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