I recently began working at the Chamber of Commerce for Bolivar Peninsula. I love my job, really I do. I get telephone calls constantly and drop-in visitors, this is the highlight of my new job! You see, I’m retired. I worked for 20 years in Human Resources and was always subject to people contact. Anyway, I’m presented with a variety of questions, most of which, I can answer with my eyes closed. Like, “Can I camp on the beach?” Or, (I love this one) “Are there showers on the beach?” I chuckle to myself …
Friday, I received a call from a very nice lady who has a weekend cabin. Very alarmed, she asks “What are these loud booms, they’re shaking the house!” Very calmly, I assure her it’s nothing to worry about, it’s seismic testing, they’re doing it all over the peninsula, in the gulf, in the neighborhoods and in the bay, not to worry. “Well I hate it, when are they going to stop?” I inform her, “Look you may be rich some day, they’re looking for oil, what if they find it under your house?” “I don’t care,” she says, “I like my little cabin just like it is, I wouldn’t want a mansion anyway!”
Trying to reassure her, I say, “Not to worry, tomorrow (Saturday) they won’t be testing, they don’t test on weekends. “Well, the booms have been going steady all weekend, I’m expecting a call from her on Monday, asking me where I got my ‘mis’ information.
I’m ready, “Sorry, ma’am, I’ve only been in this job for a week …”
GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.
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