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The Monarch Garden

KBB_0If you aren’t aware, Keep Bolivar Beautiful received permission from the County Commissioner’s Office to build a garden at the pavilion located next door to the Joe Faggard Community Building in Crystal Beach. With donations from the community, the ladies and gentlemen of KBB began digging to prepare the gardens. Bottle brush, oleanders and crepe myrtles will be planted all over the grounds. It will become a monarch haven.


So helpful with the gardens were Ange Schiebel, Jayne Aquino, Brenda Flanagan, Brenda Newsome, Carlis Cole, Claudia Perkins, Larry Flanagan, Vickie Goss & Ben Newsome.


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3 Responses to “The Monarch Garden”

  1. Julie Baker says:

    I grew up summering in Gilchrist, TX during the 50’s. Gilchrist was, of course, home to Faggard’s Store, the epicenter of Boliver: cold drinks, “things on a stick”, the “bank” where small children like my brother and me could redeem their found soda water (as we called it then) bottles for $.02 each so that we could turn around and spend our proceeds on the good things at the store….including peanut patties, RC Cola (the largest bottle with the most soda and the least taste possible), Drumsticks, etc. The Faggard family was there ever ready to offer help, an opinion, good fishing and crabbing advice and always a good laugh. They also ran the post office and probably everything else that needed running between Crystal Beach and High Island. Mr. Broussard, whose family owned the Beaumont Rice Mill, Mr. West, whose family owned Wolf Brand Chili and many others congregated there to discuss the important things in life: fishing at Rollover Pass, crabbing anywhere and everywhere, where to play Bingo and when will the next hurricane blow in….and the ultimate one, Hurricane Carla did blow in…September 11, 1961. Our beloved home, Snug Harbor went out to sea, lost forever and our summer lives moved back to Houston. Our hearts, however, did not.

    I am looking forward to visiting the Joe Faggard Community Building in Crystal Beach. How wonderful that he and his family have been honored in such a wonderful “Gilchrist” way.

    Julia Louis Baker

  2. Brenda Beust Smith says:

    Great idea!!!! I’d love to do something in the Lazy Gardener & Friends newsletter (right) when you get it done. I’d love to know what plants you considered and then rejected, and why you rejected them. I get lots of queries from folks who live near lakes or other waters and share the conditions of intense sun and wind.

    Also what kind of donations you need. Never hurts to let folks know.

    Also, since Bolivar is so big on the international flyway, would be interesting to see which of the varieties you put in will attract which birds and, more important right now, which butterflies, especially monarchs.

    Again . . . congratulations!

    Brenda Beust Smith

  3. Ange Scheibel says:

    Monday after GreenLife Nursery planted 22 bottlebrush trees at the park. We still have about 5 more beds to dig. Next work day will be Saturday, April 2nd, 8am-noon. Volunteers welcome! This is a joint project between Keep Bolivar Beautiful & Beach Bloomers Garden Club.

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