“A lot of people have gone farther than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.” Don Kimbro knows the incredible potential of his nephews as they help him this summer. Don has been retired from Exxon/Mobil in Beaumont for six years now. He lives in Crystal Beach with his wife, Tanna. A couple of years ago he started mowing 3-4 yards to keep busy. It forced him to get out of the house and stay active. He says of the 22 yards he now mows, “that’s enough.” And his heart doctor recently told him, whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. The activity may be good on his heart, but also good for his heart and mind is the mentoring he is doing for his nephews, Carson Kendos, age 11 from Buna, and Lance Stone, age 14 from Crystal Beach. Carson handles the blower and Lance manages the push mower and trimmer. The boys are learning from someone who wants them to grow. They are learning valuable lessons in safety, discipline, and work ethic. The Sod Father, as Don’s business card reads, calls these “Life Lessons”. Every Friday there is a test to challenge the boys on the lessons they learned. And ‘Drill Sergeant Don’ pays them a $5 bonus for each correct answer. This is a summer Carson and Lance will not soon forget. Great job, Don.

The Sod Father, Don Kimbro is teaching valuable Life Lessons to his nephews Carson Kendos and Lance Stone

Lance handles the push mower, while Carson mans the blower.
(Youth advocate and youth motivational speaker Josh Shipp)
good to see your picture, don. i’m living in southern arizona these days but plan a short trip back to the beaumont area soon. any chance you and i could sit down somewhere for a beer? i promise i won’t steal a sip from you. everywhere i go, i mention how proud i am of you.
old man bill
p.s. my word was goombahlehleh. do you remember yours?