This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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‘Tis the Season

cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
The temperature at the beach has dropped below 75, so it must be soup, gumbo, or pot of beans time. I love one pot meals, not counting the bowl and pan for corn bread, you understand. The problem with soup is you can’t make just enough for two people. Even after one night of leftovers, there’s still enough to feed 12 more people. What to do?

What made me think of writing this article was a call from a friend the other day. Vicki asked if we would like some soup, she had made enough for an army? I thought it sounded like a good idea, so she hand delivered it to my office. It’s always nice to share. We loved it, a package of crackers, some butter and we were set for the evening.

I guess it comes from how I was raised – I could make a pot of soup, chicken and dumplings or gumbo once a week and be happy. My parents were in their twenties during the depression and my sister was born during the depression, so every penny counted. Whatever was left over from last night was used in another dish. My aunt saved all the meat bones and made stock for soup lunch every day of her life. My husband was raised on meat and 3 vegetables until we were married. His Mother was not in favor of trying new things. Our first few years of marriage were an eye-opening experience to him in the consumption of all types of food.

Most soups do not freeze well and beans freeze worse. Again, what to do? Here’s an idea: let’s start using those cookbooks we love so much. Let’s see – there are approximately 20 weeks of cooler weather. We could start a “share a meal” plan. Each one of us could make one pot of good soup or gumbo during that period and spread the wealth!

Maybe our husbands wouldn’t give us that “Really, Again” look we dread seeing!

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