This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Too Close

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
Dang it! The LVI was exciting. The Rams squeaked by, I thought the Bengals had it made! I’ll have to admit, I didn’t know either and I didn’t really care who would win before the game started. We had to subscribe to Peacock just to be able to watch it, I’m glad we did. Now, we can cancel. I wasn’t all that excited about half-time when I heard it was Hip Hop, but when they announced all the old timers, I decided to “tune in.” Love Snoop Dog, he’s got to be my favorite. Now, Mary J. Blithe, Honey … I mean really. Could’a used a bit more coverage I think.

The dancers with Dr. Dre were the cutest though. And I thought the way they had them lined up in what looked like box cars was excellent.

Back to the game, I finally got into it when Cincinnati scored a touchdown that put them in the lead. An added treat was whenever my husband would yell “Ad!” The first couple were excellent. Demi & Mila at their class reunion, the sloth, the deer and the bear and Doritos, the guy who got his hand stuck in the Pringles can. Some were sleepers, but the whole event was delightful.

All that was missing was the Superbowl Party and maybe a Superbowl Pool. I’ll never forget back in the early 80’s when I won the pool. Maybe I only won a quarter or two, because it wasn’t all that much money. Enough to buy a daybed. How do I remember all this?

I’ve probably rambled sufficiently for one week’s worth of Sand Bucket. Hey, before I forget – Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you get plenty of Hearts and Flowers!

And a big ol‘ hug.


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