This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Twas the Night Before Christmas

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
Well, soon anyway! I’ve finally finished shopping for all my “ship away” folks. It costs a fortune to ship things, might has well consider that part of the present $$, if you know what I mean? I went to the post office today to ship the final things to Israel, and one to California, and one to good ‘ol Texas. I figured out the big one overseas would cost a bunch, but Celeste informed me the one going to California had to get on a plane, “don’t fuss at me,” she said. “I didn’t make up the rates.” Okay, right, can’t shoot the messenger.

So, I went on my Saturday shopping trip last weekend, I always look forward to Going All The Way. That’s what I tell my husband when I’m leaving for the day, All the Way means all the way into League City, Bay Brook Mall. Well, a little beyond I suppose, because I generally hit Sam’s while I’m in town. Hey, did you know, the new HEB is almost done. It’s at El Dorado, free and clear of anything else! None of the traffic and construction surrounding the HEB at Exit 20 (I think that’s H146)? Don’t get me wrong, I love the HEB at Exit 20 and I won’t hesitate to put up with the traffic to get there.

Anyway, the crowds … If you expect to be held up by crowds, all the much better! It’s a frame of mind sort of trance you must embrace. I really don’t mind. In fact, if I’m in line and I remember something I forgot, no problem, I’ll back out and come back later.

I even found a crowd at Sam’s for gas, it’s crazy!

What I can’t understand is the fella who got so angry with me. I was at a 2-way stop sign in the parking lot surrounding HEB. I had the stop sign, so I stopped. He was in a fancy midnight blue corvette to the right of me and he wanted to turn left, I was stopped. He rolled down his window and waved and yelled at me to move on. I stubbornly yelled back (within the confines of my car) that I was at the Stop Sign! He finally relented and went ahead and made his turn. I thought about following him to tell him how rude he had been. Has anyone ever seen Fried Green Tomatoes? TOWANDA! (That’s for you Idgie! Love, Sipsie! – Merry Christmas!)

Most places I go, I have my favorite parking spot, which is helpful when you have a hard time remembering where you parked. At WalMart, I always park near the garden section. In Galveston, they usually have the garden section locked off, but I park there anyway. At Dillard’s I park upstairs on the second floor. Only problem there is that their escalators usually don’t work. That’s okay, I know where the elevators are located. All of a sudden, I have this phobia about escalators anyway, afraid I can’t judge when to “hop on!”

I’ll do another trip soon, not this weekend though. We have special visitors this weekend, THE LITTLES!!!!

We’ll see y’all at the Crystaland Christmas Parade on Saturday!

Santa, get ready!


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