This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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What A Day!

cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
This morning our game plan was to head to Connecticut to see the Sub-marine Base and Museum in Groton. The USS Nautilus is there for touring and what a tour it is. You can walk, climb and crawl through the whole submarine and the tour has a hand-held remote to walk you through the entire ship. There is so much more to see aboard than just torpedoes. But that was not the exciting part. When we got there the parking lot was full and people were everywhere, and those people were in their dress whites. It was the ceremony for the changing of the command – one Admiral to another Admiral. There was more Brass, Braided Cord and Epaulettes there than we could count. The only security we could see was the dogs out front and the nice Navy people with big guns. I was really surprised they even let us in because we were not dressed for the occasion – as always. Back to the museum, every sub-marine ship ever named they have a replica and pictures of the people they were named for. The museum walks you through the history of the sub-marine. Really good gift shop to go with it.


Our next stop was Old Saybrook. There are two lighthouses and marinas we wanted to see. Of course, getting to the lighthouses was another thing, but we saw a lot of really neat houses in the process. We traveled across a very long bridge and spotted a golf course community that might just lead us to the lighthouses, so we turned in. First thing we saw is a sign for members and owners only, private community. Well darn, a truck passed in front of us that didn’t look like he belonged there either, so off we go. We followed the truck through the subdivision trying to find our way to one of the lighthouses. The truck stopped at a stop sign and the man jumped out and came back to us, uh oh! But no, he said are you looking for Katherine Hepburn’s home? No we are trying to get to the lighthouse at the end of the breakwater. Oh, well that house with the three chimneys right there is her home if you want to see it too. Well sure we did. So we got pictures of the two lighthouses and Miss Hepburn’s home too.

As we headed back through town I spotted an outside cafe named Penny Lane Pub, so we parked and found a table. This day has been warm and sunny and the perfect day to sit outside for lunch. Delicious drinks and food to die for. RR ordered a Ruben, not a lobster roll and chowder, uh oh, is it time to start home?

P.S. Since we landed in Plymouth we have had clam chowder and lobster rolls everywhere we have eaten.

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