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cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
This page is dedicated to all the men who tolerate women who cannot start a sentence without the word “WHY?”… A friend brought this to my attention the other night. Of course, I had to look at myself, Ugh! I guess it is one of those Venus-Mars things. As children, we started most sentences with Why and with that an answer was given and we said Why again. At that point our loving parent said, “because I said so.” For almost 52 years, my loving RR has been very patient with me and our two daughters, Thank You RR. For instance, this dumb cat we love is dumb as a box of rocks, but when a storm is coming she is the first one in the closet. She can not tell time but knows when treat time is, except when we change our time by an hour.

Here are a few for you:

  • Why do men’s clothes have buttons on the right while women’s clothes have buttons on the left?
  • Why are zero scores in tennis called ‘love’?
  • Why do X’s at the end of a letter mean kisses?
  • Why in golf do they call that guy in white overalls a Caddie? (I could go on in the sport of golf, but I won’t.)
  • Why are so many coin banks shaped like a pig?
  • Why do dimes, quarters and half dollars have notches on the edges but pennies and nickels do not?
  • Why is there so many shapes on the top of a screw head, so you have to have so many different bit’s to go in the drill?

If you know the answers let me know.
Have a great week.

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One Response to “Why???”

  1. Logan Dietz says:

    The question about why banks are shaped like pigs got me wondering, so I did a little reseaerch and found this in Wikipedia: “Pygg is an orange colored clay commonly used during the Middle Ages as a cheap material for pots to store money, called pygg pots or pygg jars. There is dispute as to whether “pygg” was simply a dialectal variant of “pig.” By the 18th century, the term “pig jar” had evolved to “pig bank”.”

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