(8-8-2016) The 4th annual Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club Poker Run is gaining popularity every year, and this past weekend the carts, participants, and supporters were out in big support. The entries topped out at 244 golf carts with over 600 poker players registered. One enthusiast came all the way from Alaska. Decorated golf carts started gathering at Hardheads by 8 am to check in and select their first card. They departed promptly at 10 am to head for their parade down the beach. This “summer mardi gras” parade was a big hit for the enthusiastic beach crowd as they cheered and received beads and goodies on the sidelines. The poker run continued on to each stop where they drew another card for their winning hand, and enjoyed the festivities put on by the hosting establishment. After leaving Hardheads, the next stop was Tiki Beach Bar & Grill, followed by the Eagles, then Steve’s Landing, on the way to their final destination, Stingaree.

First Stop-Hardheads

Second Stop-Tiki Beach Bar & Grill

Third Stop-The Eagles

Fourth Stop-Steve’s Landing

Final Stop-Stingaree
Prior to announcing the winners, the Lions Club auctioned several donated items including “Principal For The Day” at Crenshaw School, and “Grand Marshall” status for next year’s Poker Run. Trophies were awarded for Best Decorated (1st, 2nd, & 3rd), Largest Group (17 entries), and Farthest Traveled (Wasilla, Alaska). The winning poker hand was a Full House, with second place going to 3 Aces, and third place to 3 Kings. A big Thank You to all golf carts and participants for another fun poker run. All funds raised are donated to Crenshaw School and High Island School for school supplies. (Read: Lions Club deals a Full House)

First Place Poker Hand-Full House

Second Place Poker Hand-3 Aces

Third Place Poker Hand-3 Kings

First Place Best Decorated-Pirate Ship

Second Place Best Decorated-Margaritaville

Third Place Best Decorated-Mermaids

Most Entries

Farthest Traveled
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