This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Beach Parking Sticker Fund update

beaches_0By William Comeaux
Update on our progress from the last meeting.
We talked about a potential meeting for Mid-September, however the projects we are working on from the last meeting are not to the stage where a meeting is justified. The projects are moving along. We have reached out to restroom vendors for quotes for the purchasing process. We have received three back and I am beginning to work with the County Engineers Office and Commissioner Dennard to get to the meat of the project.

I also met with a representative from Barber Surf Rakes to discuss options for new beach cleaning equipment that will clean the beach better while disturbing the sand less. We have had a couple of demonstrations and the results look promising. I will be pushing to purchase one in the near future to try out.

The other 4 kiosks (large signs) have been installed on heavy traffic beach access roads. Now we just need to install the individual signs onto the backing.

My talks with TxDOT about Beach Access Signs on the highway (required by our Dune Protection and Beach Access Plan) are coming to a close.

The smaller projects such as beach condition flags on the UTVs and suggestions for the sticker program and Sheriffs patrol paid from the sticker funds are winter projects while the programs are at their slow season so they will be in effect when they start back up in the spring.

If anyone has any questions or feels that a meeting right now will still be beneficial at this time, please let me know. I will be scheduling another meeting once the larger projects are further along.

William Comeaux
Galveston County Regional Operations Manager

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