This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Lubec, Maine

cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
Yesterday we took off way too late for Lubec Maine, which is as far east as you can go and not be in Canada. We realized yesterday we are running out of time in the beautiful state. So off we go for a three to four hour drive to Quoddey Head State Park and Lighthouse. Only one problem, the fog was rolling in just as we got there about 4 pm so pictures are very light and there is no water to see, the fog ate it. I guess this is normal here as the West Quoddy Head Light built in 1808 has a fog cannon to warn sailors about the dangerous cliffs, ledges and rocks.

The Bay of Fundy, which is the area between Canada and the US, was made millions of years ago when Europe broke away from North America. The tidal currents are said to be the largest whirlpools in the Western Hemisphere. The rocks and cliffs are black, this is magma, which cooled and solidified into a coarse grained dark rock. All of this area is part of a large fault line.

West Quoddy Head Lighthouse as the fog rolls in.

West Quoddy Head Lighthouse as the fog rolls in.

This park is a beautiful place to picnic but you must take your food and refuse out with you and do not leave anything unattended. We are back to the bears and moose again. On a clear day, you can see whales returning north, bald eagles and ospreys, but not today.

After touring the grounds and Visitors Center, we headed for the quaint town of Lubec. About this time, my phone was going crazy. You see, it did not know if it was in Canada or the US. That area is also the time change area. My phone was saying it was 4:30 and 5:30 at the same time.

There are two very good places to eat in town. We choose Fisherman’s Wharf which is a restaurant and an Inn. It is on the water on the bay side overlooking the mountains and Canada. Of course, we had clam chowder and lobster rolls. Just as our food arrived, the fog thickened and we were socked in. We ate our dinner and headed home in the fog, and when that lifted we needed to watch out for those darn bear and moose again.

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