(8-25-2014) On Wednesday, the Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club proudly distributed proceeds from the Second Annual Golf Cart Poker Run. The fun community event, held in early August, raised over $18K to purchase school supplies for High Island and Crenshaw students. Checks were presented to each of the school principals based on the number of students enrolled. The Lions Club is committed to the support of all Bolivar Peninsula students and to helping each student achieve academic success. School supplies are essential to ensuring our students have the tools to bring out their greatest potential. Second only to the inspiring teachers that care. Here’s to another great school year!

Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club President Robbie Byus presenting a check to Crenshaw School Principal Annette Dailey, teachers and staff. All smiles with gratitude.

Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club President Robbie Byus presenting a check to High Island School Superintendent Dr. D’Ann Vonderau, along with School Principal Kathy Smith and staff members.

Ecstatic reactions when recipients were told the amount of the donation. And the “Aha!” moment when they realize how much it helps their schools.
(published 8/26/2014)
Wow !! Great job BPLC. Keep up the good work. Proud of your services to all.
Was there any money left over from the Poker Run to donate to the Lone Survivors Project?
Mariann, The event was held to benefit both the schools and Lone Survivor. Lone Survivor made in excess of $5K. We (The Lions) are scheduled to make the presentation to Lone Survivor